_ * CxsmicVibess * _

Content Creator, Minecraft Render Artist & Skin Artist

[email protected]


Payment: Paypal
If you would like to contact me you can dm me on discord or twitter!
Twitter: @cxsmicvibess
Discord: CxsmicVibess#5992
Before you decide to commission me, please read my TOS.

Terms of Service

By commissioning me, you are accepting the terms of service.
Side Note: please be patient with me, I have a personal life outside of this and get busy with other things c:
- I only make 64x64 skins. I cannot make HD skins.
- Please do not take credit for any of my creations.
- I have the right to display all commissioned work on any personal websites unless you wish for your commission to remain private. Please let me know beforehand.
- Everything must be paid upfront.
- I only accept USD currency.
- I use PayPal but if you prefer/want to use CashApp you may pay that way too.
- I'm pretty laid-back when it comes to changes because it doesn't take me long to fix it when it comes to skins unless it's a big change obviously.
- With renders I send a screenshot before rendering to make sure everything is okay or if you would like anything changed.
- If the process is close to finishing, you are entitled to a 50% refund. (Ex: you back out when the skin is nearly finished)
- If for any reason I am unable to complete your commission, you will receive a full refund.
- Please do not request a PayPal chargeback if you are receiving a refund. I will transfer the money back to you myself.
- The time it takes to complete your commission varies from 2 days - 1 week depending on my health, how complicated the piece is, and other work I need to do.


▸Custom Skin: $15
▸Skin Upgrade/Reshade: $7
▸Outfit Change: $5
▸10-15 skins: $30

Important Thing to Note:
- I am still a learning skin maker so I most likely cant do anything to complex like robots, animals, or anything with a lot of detail.


▸$2.00 per Character
▸Thumbnail: $6.00
- I do not do rendered minecraft backgrounds
▸0.50¢-$1.00 per Asset (weapons/tools, phone, etc.)
▸$2-5 per mob/animal
- Price depends on how complex said mob or asset is